I love photography! I am sure that doesn't come as a surprise to anybody. I remember years ago looking at my brother-in-laws photography and being inspired. I love the way he captured things. Him images really made me think. I love looking at other photographers work and getting inspired by it. Pictures in general are pretty amazing. But one of my favorite things about pictures is they can help you remember not only that moment, but so many moments surrounding that moment... Here are a few pictures and what they make me remember
p.s. I may have gone a little over board! I was so hard to pick through because I have so many memories associated with pretty much every picture I have!!! So go ahead a scimm through and enjoy the memories!
We were hoping for a sunny day so we could have some sun flair! It was raining when we got there, and we left that night with MILLIONS of mosquito bites! Most of my editing was done taking out the little specs (mosquitos). |
This picture was taken in my room, while sweat was dripping of my face, and her pee was dripping off my shirt! |
Such a feezing day, Mom and daughter did great in the 20 degree weather! I went home and my hands hurt!! But I wasn't about to complain after seeing how AWESOME they did! |
This picture was taken after their son told a joke. Now their facial expressions make a little more sence right? |