SHEESH!! This is one of the hardest post I have posted since I started doing photography! An entire blog with only pictures of me :/
A fellow photog of mine reminded me how important it is for us to get infront of the camera once in a while. That mixed with the fact that I was in DESPERATE need of a new head shot, convinced me to get it done!
I got it done! I looked at the pictures and was content with that. Then later talking with a friend, I mentioned how it was hard getting on the other side of the camera, she said, "are you going to post those pictures?"
I said, "I think NOT."
We then had a discussion that led to this post.
Why am I okay with (actually more than okay with... THRILLED with) posting pictures of others on my blog and not me? How can I look at pictures I have taken of others and find all these beautiful qualities about them and not be able to do it for myself?
So.... I'm posting... AND naming 3 things I LOVE about me...okay... here it goes....
(Deep Breath)
1. I love that I smile easily.. It doesnt take much to get me to smile, and on the other hand it takes quit a bit to get me to frown.
2. I love that I dont get stressed. VERY rarely do I stress about... well.. anything. I have a pretty chill personality and what used to be a weakness (forgetting everything because I just didnt worry) I have now realized can be a strength.
3. I cant think of anyone that I dont like. I LOVE people and always (try) to see the best in people. There was a person.. one time... I guiltily used to be really bothered by. But as years passed I prayed for love for them, and did my best to see the good in them. I can now say HAPPILY and unguiltily (making up words here), that this person has become one of my favorite people!! YAY!!!
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