The reason I love doing minis is because it gives my clients an opportunity to get some cute pictures to give for holidays or send to grandmas or decorate their wall with, but it isn't a full out session. So the child doesn't get fussy, or sick of pictures. They are also a lot more inexpensive than a full session but you still walk away with images on a disk with print release! This year I am also offering a facebook cover photo with purchase (SERIOUSLY AWESOME RIGHT?)
What will be included???
~Spring décor if wanted
~20 min session
~5 images on disk
~Facebook cover photo (including pictures from session)
~Print release
~%10 off regular session
~Also for those who are interested in "Grandma and Grandpa Deal" That includes 2 8x10's with the purchase of a session. Its only an extra $10 with the spring mini's!!!
SOO .... contact me to set up you spring mini!! Hurry hurry before spots fill!!