Today I am going to be talking about individuals! This could be a good place to start if you are stuck on what your family should wear for family photos! Start with an individual, then work with the group! There is SOO much to cover for this section, but lets start simple!
1. What color should you wear?
Figure out your skin type. Are you a warm or cool skin type? Here are a few hints.
If your skin is more fare, if your eyes are green or blue, or if you have blue veins (yes I said blue veins, look at your veins on your wrist. Are they more blue or green? If more blue you are probably have a cool complexion.
Should wear: Look better in richer colors, those on the cool side of the color wheel. As well as Silver jewelry.

Warm: If you have darker hair and eyes, skin that tans easily, if your veins are more green (yes greener veins :) then your complexion is more of a warm complexion.
Should wear:Warm skin tones look best in earthier colors. Browns, tans, creams, You know!!! Olive green, as well as Gold Jewelry.
2. Body type.. now I am not going to go into detail here, but it is worth doing a little research about. Honestly with a little research you can make a BIG difference in learning how to dress for your body type! So many people say, "take out my huge hips," Shrink my butt" Make my waist look smaller" Well, research this topic and you can be surprise how good a specific outfit can make your body look!
3. When appropriate bring a few different outfits! Just to spice things up!
4. LAYERS and ACCESORIES!! These are both good.. VERY GOOD! don't get me wrong simple is AWESOME too! A cute little summer dress is always a winner, but don't forget some cute bracelets or high heels to go with it.
5. Speaking of heels! Heels will make you look taller and slimmer! BUT if you do wear heels make sure you bring some flip flops or tennis shoes to wear if your going to be walking at all! But try to avoid flip flops or tennis shoes in pictures!
6. Don't be afraid to dress a little fancier than you would for everyday activities! Put on a skirt throw on a tie, add earrings, necklaces and bows! These are pictures!! You cant be too done up!
7. Make up tips!
~ Go a little darker on your cheeks and eyes. Think about where there should be curves and darken those areas up a BIT (don't go over board!)
~ Go with a matte finish not GLOSSY! Use powder to prevent shininess!
~ Good mascara or even False eyelashes! You may feel awkward at 1st but eyes are so important for good pictures! Ask about any professional photographer what is one thing they ALWAYS touch up in pictures? and they will all most likely tell you the EYES! Eyes are key! But DONT GO OVER BOARD!!
~ If it is something your feel comfortable with and goes with the look you want don't be afraid of Brighter/Darker lips! They can be SUPER fun especially in individual pics!